A wonderful idea from a woman who lived it.

2 Responses

  1. I was so happy to be able to tell my children that Gizzy, our chinchilla who had stopped eating in the middle of January, is back. Long story, a couple of small miracles (which I will write about some day), a lot of pain as I prepared to lose her (she’s only 2.5, and they can live to 15 years) because she would not eat…

    There were prayers to St. Francis in there – and an idea which apparently worked – and much rejoicing as she started to accept a few (very few) spears of wheat grass…

    I have never been so happy to vacuum up her little poops!


    PS Exotics bred for pets are not good pets. They are wild animals that have no choice. I inherited Gizzy, and will take care of her to the best of my ability. I really hated the idea of losing her, and she really hated the vet’s, and being fed and medicated. We’re back to nodding acquaintances, and I’m very glad.

  2. Alicia, I am so happy for you and the kids that Gizzy is back! We’ve had several ups and downs with our shepherd over the years and the most stress comes from not knowing what to do. If only they could talk! Hope you get meny more years with her.