Please forgive the laziness of this post. I am swamped this week, especially with Comic-con coming up, so the sum total of today’s blog post is sharing a link to someone else’s blog post:
Writers! Do It Yourself Dept
Worse (seriously, get ready to be disgusted) — the blog post I’ve linked to is about me.
Ugh! Could I get more self-indulgent?
Buuuut — there is an upside. The post says everything I want to say (actually, did say, just to another blogger) about making book trailers.
They’re fun. They’re easy. They’re cheap. If done right, they’re effective. So just do it. Get creative. Get funny. Go viral. Sell books. Sell Yourself. More importantly, buy my book. Kidding…sort of.
Be Happy! More good stuff is coming, I promise…
cool 😀