This may be the Happiest Post ever!
Why, Valerie…why?
Because today I get to announce the release of first book in the “…as a Second Language” series written by an author other than me! This concept is finally fulfilling its purpose — to help people learn any skill they don’t come by naturally, but feel the desire to master. We are no longer limited by what I know, but instead expanding to provide all the lessons, anecdotes and exercises needed to help anyone become effective parents, creative thinkers, skilled job seekers, active seniors — and that’s just the beginning!
So please join me in celebrating the release of:
Parenting as a Second Language by Elisabeth Stitt.![Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000448_00019]](
Elisabeth did an amazing job writing this book and I am so proud to have it be part of this series. You will be blown away by how wise, touching and beneficial it is to parents at every stage of their child’s development.
But how, Valerie…how can I celebrate with you?
Well, how else do you celebrate?
Get stuff. Get cheap stuff. Get free stuff!
Saturday, March 5th – Tuesday, March 8th:
Parenting as a Second Language is available for the introductory price of $2.99
Happiness as a Second Language is just $0.99
Success as a Second Language is also just $0.99
How Women Can Succeed in the Workplace (Despite Having “Female Brains”) IS FREE!! ABSOLUTELY 100% FREE!
You can get ALL the books in the “…as a Second Language” series for less than $5.00, and “Female Brains” for free. Woo-hoo! This deal will not happen again this year and is not likely to happen again ever. Please share it with all of your friends.
And to truly celebrate the Happiness that comes from helping the world learn and grow, here are three Super Happy Videos about Spreading Kindness, which as you know, is one of my missions in life.
The Yellow Team are the Real Heroes Here!
One More Reason I Have a Deep, Abiding Love for Starbucks
and I do this in the Starbucks drive through about once a month, but it is my dream to someday have the means to do it like this.
(and if all that kindness is too much, just for some silly fun, Watch This Game!)
Have a GREAT month!
Thanks for spreading happiness and making the world a better place.
Much love,